[Grace-core] Comments (was Re: Putative Blog Posts)

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Nov 8 00:12:56 PST 2010

> One related sensitive issue here is versioning. One of the main  
> reasons that Java is building up so much cruft is the decision never  
> to break existing code.

yep. I really don't know what to do about that
(apart from hope - or at least hope that some kind of
language level / library / package system might help)

> Grace will undoubtedly have to go through changes after release. If  
> we want Grace to remain clean, we need a way to *remove* stuff (that  
> is to say: make ild stuff break). If packages are source, this may  
> happen more easily.

Not sure which way you're leaning here.

> (Then again, for a teaching language we might not care so much.)

for a teaching language, it may be more important so everyone
can see explicitly which version of the language is being used.

although, I fear this may be another unsolved problem
that we're unlikely to solve in this project.


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