[Grace-core] On numbers and objects

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Nov 8 13:17:48 PST 2010

Sure. That's the easy part.

The hard part is what about constructors for *user-defined value types*.
Do they always run? Or run most of the time?  Or run, but then the  
object may be deleted
and replaced with an indistinguishable clone?

Actually, I quite like the last option: this should work, I think, if  
we continue to forbid
the use of "self" within constructors.


On 9/11/2010, at 09:37 AM, Michael Kölling wrote:

> Well, then, for presentations to users we should claim that there  
> ever only exists on object representing a given String value. That  
> is much easier as a user model. The fact that in the implementation  
> there may be multiple (that are then treated as equal) is an  
> implementation detail that is of no concern to the user.

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