[Grace-core] Syntax questions

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Nov 8 18:30:02 PST 2010

Hi Kim

Quick responses....

Just done a viva..

Sent from my iPhone

On 9/11/2010, at 14:39, Kim Bruce <kim at cs.pomona.edu> wrote:

> My student Eric (copied on this message) is starting to write Grace  
> code, but we have not nailed down some of the specific syntax yet.   
> Here are some questions and proposed answers:
> 1. How do we write function types?     S => T  or S -> T
>    Proposed answer: S => T  (like Scala)

Sure. This is the *type* right, not the function...

> 2.  How do we write anonymous n-ary functions?  (x:S,...) =>  
> {...}    or    {(x:S,...) => ...}
>    Proposed answer: (x:S,...) => {...}

That's OK sure - why not with arcs inside the braces without the parens?
>    Default abbreviation:  0-ary functions can be written as () =>  
> {...} or in the abbreviated form {...}

Yes very important whatever happens with layout.

> 3.  Pattern matching notation:  myExp match {case ...  
> => ...; ...}    or    match myExp {case ... => ...; ...}
>    No strong feelings.  The first is Scala syntax.

I prefer the second, makes Grace syntax more consistent.

> 4.  Built-in simple IO:  how do we write simple reads and writes?   
> We could have a default system I/O object, io, that is visible  
> anywhere and then write output as either:   io.printline(s) or  
> s.printline(io).  Similarly with print, read, readline.
>    Are you OK with these names, and which order should we write them?
>    Proposed answer: io.printline(s) as that makes it easier to read  
> if we construct complex strings to print.


> I'm still concerned about our numeric types.  See comments on the  
> wiki in the Built-In Types section.  However, if we could just clear  
> these questions up rather quickly, then Eric can make some progress.

This is just my 5c
Hope it helps


>    Kim
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