[Grace-core] On numbers and objects

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Tue Nov 9 13:10:26 PST 2010

> Another bad practice.  I hate it when students turn in pages and  
> pages of code which is half commented-out.  How can they possibly  
> see what is going on!

they can't.
We all know the story of the student who asks the tutor
  "My code finally compiled with no errors - but it doesn't do  

> This practice is encouraged by the lack of an IDE that supports  
> versioning.   Smalltalkers don't do it: they just delete the code,  
> and then go back and use versions … to restore it later.

right. But sadly, we can't count on every Grace IDE having versioning,
and especially cannot count on novices being able to use those  


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