[Grace-core] Edited Variable & Constant page
James Noble
kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Nov 15 23:21:36 PST 2010
> Ah, I see the problem. While reading the whole of that post, I
> assumed that we were talking about temporary variables and
> invariables.
> Now I have figured out that you are talking about instance variables
> and invariables.
yes. or both!
> Maybe we should distinguish them syntactically? This distinction is
> a really important one to teach, and using the same syntax for two
> very different concepts is arguably a bad idea.
> private field x
> or
> private field x: Number
> declares an instance variable that can be bound, and re-bound,
> inside the object.
I quite like "field"! I was hoping there was something obvious,
analogous to method.
Perhaps this is it (but see below...)
> private is optional, but it is the default if omitted.
> readonly field x
> is the same, except that it also builds a method called getX (oh, I
> hate that 'get' stuff; it's the price of being able to omit self)
> that can be sent to the object to access x's value.
no it doesn't need to be called getX!
we *do* need to sort this out: but both the "field x " and "readonly
field x" declarations
make a method called "x" - calling that method reads the variable.
> readwrite field x: Number
> is the same, except that it also builds a method called setX() that
> assigns it's argument to x.
I don't think there should be a difference between "field" and
"readonly field".
here's how I think this single namespace thing should work:
either a field or a constant slot named "x" is read by a "method"
called x
readwrite fields are also written by a method called **something we
haven't decided"
perhaps the easiest option is that method is called "set_x" (ugly, I
or even "setX" - have to do the biCapitalisation automatically
then, all code of the form e1.id := e2 is rewritten to be
the point is that, if you declare a pair of methods in an object:
method x : Number
method setX(Number n) : void
clients (and subclasses) are unable to distinguish this from a field
> And then we can have private const x, readonly const x, etc. for the
> invariables.
so the keywords would be "field" and "const" - yep that could work.
but I don't understand what a "readonly const" is?
the other difficultly with "field" is that I was hoping to use the
*same* syntax
for declaring fields in objects and locals in blocks. Here, this
Self and Beta (and arguably Simula)
the difficulty with "const" is, well
readonly const x = HighlyVolatileMutableClass.new; // urgh. How is
this const?
another option, that may be unpopular, is that these things are all
just "var" iables
var x = e declares a fixed binding
var x := e declares a variable binding.
or even just x = e vs x := e (which is pretty close to self)
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