[Grace-core] Edited Variable & Constant page

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Nov 18 11:28:33 PST 2010

> I know it is unusual, but I still like the idea of setting fixed  
> bindings with "is", as that sounds more permanent.
> const x is 17

yep - and I like "=" for just the same reason.

How, then, do you assign, OK not assign: *bind* them in e.g.  
constructor bodies:

x is 17

or back to

x := 17

One good thing with EGAL is that (I'm pretty sure)
if you say "const x = 17" or in fact "const x = e" for *any* e

it will always be the case that x = 17 (or x = e) no matter how  
mutable "e" is.


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