[Grace-core] Java dumped from Mac

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Sun Oct 24 20:23:24 PDT 2010

> That seems to be a more extreme report than what I'm reading from  
> other sources.  If true, that would be a disaster of the first  
> degree for CS departments, which have generally championed Macs.

yep, that's what I think.

>  I've had Macs since 1984, but would dump it if it didn't support  
> Java.  In response, Windows would probably stop supporting its port  
> of the .net intermediate language, resulting in total chaos once  
> more.  Let's hope that it's just a sign that someone else will take  
> care of porting the JVM to Apple.

well given that Alex Buckley was toting a Mac, perhaps Oracle will  
pick up the slack?

> The following is typical of what I've been reading:
> http://www.macrumors.com/2010/10/22/steve-jobs-comments-on-apples-java-discontinuation/
> I'm trying to be optimistic ...

and the reg does tend to be a bit - tabloid - in their approach


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