[Grace-core] Lancaster Workshop update #1 - Minor changes

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Aug 1 16:49:49 PDT 2011

>> I'm ok with this as long as we understand that a factory object is more complex than just an object with methods returning new objects.
> I'm OK with this as long as we understand that a factory object is NOT anything more than an object with methods returning new objects.
> So we have a disagreement that needs to be resolved!

Yes indeed.  Like I said: I think this is partly because - in my list of roles of classes - 
I left out the role as superclass for inheritance.

So my take is: a factory object may be nothing more than an object that returns new objects,
but if that's all it is, we need something else as well - in fact, several things or several roles:
   * superclass; factory; type; reified generic argument; pattern; mirror


the simplest design that would probably work is I think to unify all those roles
(especially for things introduced by the class declaration) to have one object
that represents all that at runtime (perhaps expect for the mirror).
and - depending on where inheritance ends up - the superclass role may not
be needed at runtime either.


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