[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 2011.08.17

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Aug 17 18:19:27 PDT 2011

* don't need comprises on class declarations - just use explicit unions?

* adopt "type-like" colon patterns  ---  v : Foo(a,b,c) 

* what are "extract methods"?
    method called "extract()" -- needs covariant width subtyping on the return value
* how are they defined?
   - no default extract method; programmers must write them

   (Good example for an eventual on extractors blog post:
    point / colourpoint;   rectangle extract two points / colourrectange extract two colourpoints)

* method generic parameters declared  & (optionally passed) after method names
   * method m[T](a : T)  :  R   where T <: U   ;  x.m(t)  x.m[U](u) 
* class generic parameters   
   * class A[T] where T <: Comparable[T] { a, b -> 
* type generic parameters 
   * type Rat[X,T]   = {m()} | {n()}
    ** do we need type where clauses??  Kim thinks not.    if we do they go here:  type Rat[X,Y] where X <: T = ... 

* annotations on methods & classes go (with/after) where clauses

* next meeting: 23aug for me, 24aug for you

* Kim to draft blog post:: How to deal with these collection types
* James to blog about lancanster (hint about SPLOOPSLA)
* James (& Michael) to work out types & protocols for pattern matching  (interface of class Pattern)
* J / M eventually blog about that when it's done

* type generic methods - can they pick up actual generic parameters...
  - what if called on type dynamic, do they pick 'em up from the type or the calling context
     perhaps this is a non-issue; can pick up types off objects via match statements?  

** issue of creating instances of generic types still unresolved!
     - Factory.new[Types](args) --- this is the "normal" generic method send syntax
          and those types will hopefully be picked up via type inference
     - Factory[Types].new(args) ---  is more java/scala like, perhaps is more consistent
           with the use of the thing  (which will be Type[Types] or whatever)
           but we don't have any semantics for expressions of type Factory[Types]   

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Some discussions about collections  (for Kim's blog)

seq(1,2,3,4)  - actually private self message
types Seq.new(1,2,3,4) 

s @ 3 
s[3] := 4

def ai = array(1,2,3,4) 
def ai = ArrayClass.new[Integer](1,2,3,4)

what is the name of the type? of the class?
 Array - must the shortest name be the "type" 

How to create instances of generic classes:
 Array[Integer].new  --- what does this mean in Graceland?
  or Array.new[Integer]  --- at least this we understand?


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