[Grace-core] A module proposal

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Dec 5 04:52:15 PST 2011

Éric --- thanks for that.

> The cool things include ways to import a module but renaming the imported elements (or just add a prefix), say that you export everything you defined except X and Y, rename/prefix your elements on export, etc.

yeah that's quite interesting...

> http://docs.racket-lang.org/guide/modules.html
> In the case of Racket that scales especially well, including for linguistic abstractions (macros), so language extensions/restrictions can be defined using the exact same mechanisms.
> Hope this helps, and sorry for the noise if that was already on your radar.

it was on the radar but I hadn't looked at it closely, so thanks.

It's conceptually clean, importing & exporting names, with a unix file & directory
like module structure.  But with renaming & prefixing on both import & export it 
seems a bit complicated. 

I have another iteration of "objects-as-modules" in my head that I'll try to type up soon


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