[Grace-core] Fwd: Some notes on pattern matching on the wiki

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Tue Jul 5 00:11:15 PDT 2011

>>> Two things => two syntaxes.   Makes for easy teaching and learning.
>> Or makes for the argument that we are unnecessarily separating things that are the same.
> If they were the same ... but they are not.

that's the trick: it depends on the conceptual model.
Newspeak & Self say "everything is a message send" and have a self-consistent
(albeit occasionally tortured)  conceptual model to justify that. 

I'm not quite sure why, but minigrace/js (which I've been banging on the last couple of days)
requires an explicit self.  And the code doesn't look *too* horrible! 


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