[Grace-core] [A Graceful Blog] Comment: "From Lancaster to Portland"

John Tang Boyland boyland at pabst.cs.uwm.edu
Thu Sep 29 08:31:08 PDT 2011

] On 28 Sep 2011, at 20:15, John Tang Boyland wrote:
] > I'm guessing you have a type Dynamic 
] > which functions somewhat like a Top type except that it can always
] > be coerced into a static type with a runtime cast.  And the cast
] > either fails right there or else we continue and if it fails later, 
] > oops!  (No proper blame.)  Am I getting closer?
] > 
] > And if a type is omitted, Dynamic is inferred ?
] > 
] > So if I have a gradual class
] > 
] > class GPoint { x -> y ->
] >  method equals(other) -> {
] >    match(other) {
] >      case { GPoint o -> o.x == x && o.y == y }
] >      case { Object o -> false }
] >    }
] >  }
] > }
] > 
] > and a statically typed class
] > 
] > class SPoint { x:Number -> y : Number ->
] >   method equals(other : Object) -> Boolean {
] >     match(other) {
] >       case { SPoint o -> o.x == x && o.y == y }
] >       case { Object o -> false }
] >     }
] >   }
] > }
] > 
] > Suppose I have an instance gp of GPoint and sp of SPoint.
] > What happens if I do sp.equals(gp) ?  or gp.equals(sp) ?
] I'm not clear if Dynamic should behave like None (statically conforms to 
] any type, although dynamically may fail to do so, yielding an error) or 
] Any (statically conforms to no type, and must be explicitly cast to a 
] known type before it can be used in typed code).

I don't think Dynamic would be like Scala's None; much more likely that
it is treated like Any, except possibly that a cast will be implicit
when going to typed code.

] Summarizing the above  (and adding the missing field accessors to the 
] types)
] GPointType = {x : Dynamic; y : Dynamic, equals (Dynamic) -> Boolean} 

(Modulo the fact that a gradual type person wouldn't write GPointType, of course,
and equals would return "Dynamic", not Boolean.)

] SPointType = {x: Number; y: Number; equals (Any) -> Boolean}  
] If Dynamic is like None, then SPointType does not conform to GPointType, 
] because the result types of x and y don't conform.   So gp.equals(sp) 
] will always answer false, regardless of the values of x and y.    
] Moreover, GPointType does not conforms to SPointType, because 
] contravariance would require that Any conform to Dynamic.  So 
] sp.equals(gp) will also always answer false.

And if Dynamic is like Any ?

(In the following I renamed types to add a "2" to reflect a different example.)

] Of course, if one wrote the "obvious" code 
] SPointType2 = {x: Number; y: Number; = (SPointType2) -> Boolean}  
] class SPoint2 { x:Number, y:Number -> 
] 	method x: Number {x}
] 	method y: Number {y}
] 	method = (other:SPointType2) -> Boolean {
] 		x = other.x & y = other.y
] 	}
] then passing a GPoint2 as argument to = would work just fine.

Really?  Given a modified GPointType:

   GPointType2 = { x : Dynamic; y : Dynamic; = (Dynamic) -> Dynamic }

Then GPointType2 is considered a subtype of SPointType2 ?

But I'm not actually expecting this to work with static
typing; my interest was whether gradual typing and pattern matching
work together, hence the original "instanceof" style equality.

But I guess before we get any deeper, we have to find out how people
intend "Dynamic" to work in Grace.

Best regards,

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