[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 26-27.4,

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Apr 26 15:38:14 PDT 2012

* talked about mingrace status

 - latest update with Pattern Matching
   - should do some blog posts

 - Kim has students starting in mid-April:
      it would be great if they could use the Java backend for minigrace

 - they will need to be able to call Java libraries 
   (& for them to call back) --- even if we have to write special-case
   Java & Grace code

* planned to organize a "remote seminar"  next week - 
     Michael to talk about latest minigrace changes
     Tim to talk about Java backend
     perhaps Jan to talk about ? 

* James will email his US travel plans out
   so we can plan to catch up 

* Talked about NSF grant possibilities 

* Talked about "Dynamic"...
 - what dynamic checks are needed
 - how it fits into the type lattice, etc.
 - we'll look at the csharp-dynamic paper from ECOOP, & Racket papers in particular


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