[Grace-core] Inconsistent declaration syntax

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Sat Aug 4 04:56:58 PDT 2012

> Grace's main declaration syntax is
> 	def name = <expr>
> but for classes we have the shorthand
> 	class name.meth(..) { ... }
> and for types we have the shorthand
> 	type name = { ... }
> It would make more sense to me to use the same notational convention for types as for classes, or for values  This means that we would either write
> 	def name = type { ... }
> 	def name = T1 & T2

So I believe we can write both of these (or at least can in theory :-)
They set up name as referring to the reified type object.
But presumably unlike type declarations they can't be used as actual types;
they can (I imagine) be rather more dynamic.

> or
> 	type name <type-expr>

So allowing 

type foo bar  

to alias foo to bar? 

> Could either of these be made to parse?  What do you think?

I think all of them could be made to parse, but let's see what "Mr Literal" says :-)

on the other hand, well there is one other important declaration syntax:

method foo { bar }   // and various other extensions :-)

how to we maintain consistency with that? 


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