[Grace-core] Semantics of object/classes

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Aug 8 16:35:57 PDT 2012

> I'm not sure "prior overridden method" is completely accurate.  One could write super.m in a method n, even if m wasn't overridden (though it would be weird to write super.m instead of m in that circumstance).  I would likely say:
> "method requests with the pseudo-receiver super request the method with the given name from the inherited class."

yes, we probably have to say something like that.

> On a related note, using the concatenation model for resolving super is likely hard to get right without some twisting of definitions.  You couldn't define super.m as just looking for the second definition of m in the list.

yes I know. That's quite why I liked the "simply ordered method" design where you just up all the methods in the object and super.m meant "call the method defined after me " not "call the method m defined in the next class"


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