[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 16-17.-8.12

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Aug 16 17:02:25 PDT 2012

Talked about 
 * modules quite generally
 * Jan suggests "Hopper" for package manager...

 * DLS paper - under control? 
    - talked through remaining issues in great, great detail.

Things to do: 
 - planning for SPLOOPSLA
 - planning for Austin in Dec
 - James list below: 

James' "big things" list after vuw meeting on tuesday
  - dialects
  - checkers / JavaCOP
  - annotations
  - modules
  - platform
  - packages
  - package repository...  

 - generic method calls  List.new<Number>
 - reified generic parameters
 - generic/gradual type tests  (so inserting a String into a List.new<Number> gives a runtime error)
 - generic static type checker  (recursive structural gradual generic...)
 - generic method call inferencer?

 - concurrency
 - exceptions
 - units of measure?  (13 is cm)  --- interesting test case for annotations...
 - libraries
 - IDE

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