[Grace-core] Transparent Colours - Family Polymorphism in Grace?
James Noble
kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Jan 25 19:34:27 PST 2012
Hi all
this code (should be in sample code/colours2.grace) is my second attempt
at Andrew's example of transparent colours. (second, after talking to Michael)
This does work in minigrace, but it cheats - mingrace's inherits is actually delegation
(if you only inherit from classes, call new each time, you can never tell)
& name resolution does't work properly across inheritance...
def Colour = object {
method auxNew(r' : Number, g' : Number, b' : Number) {
return object {
def r = r'
def g = g'
def b = b'
method asString {"Colour r:{r} g:{g} b:{b}"}
} }
method red { auxNew(1,0,0) }
method green { auxNew(0,1,0) }
method blue { auxNew(0,0,1) }
method yellow { auxNew(0,1,1) }
method white { auxNew(1,1,1) }
def TransparentColour = object {
inherits Colour
method auxNew(r : Number, g : Number, b : Number) {
return object {
inherits super.auxNew(r, g, b)
def alpha = 1
method asString {"Transparent {super.asString} alpha:{alpha}"}
} }
print (Colour.yellow)
print (TransparentColour.yellow)
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