[Grace-core] "Object Algebras" in Grace

Bruno Oliveira bruno at ropas.snu.ac.kr
Mon Jul 2 07:24:31 PDT 2012

Hi James,

Thanks for the email and also for the Grace code! 

I haven't realized the connection between object algebras and Newspeak 
modules before you mentioned this to me at ECOOP. So thanks for that!

Getting a clear picture of the relationship between object algebras 
and and mechanisms like virtual classes (typically associated with 
family polymorphism) is an interesting question. 

If I understand your question right, you are interested in a module 
system similar to that in Newspeak, but where "platforms" can also 
deal with (nested) family polymorphism. 

I don't have an immediate answer.
Object algebras allow something like family polymorphism with one level of nesting, but
what's the right way to generalize this for arbitrary levels is not entirely obvious.
I do have a few ideas in mind that I'll try to play with it and get back to you later. 

On the meantime, I'd like to ask you whether I can post your Grace code


I am collecting solutions to the expression problem in various languages, 
and a solution in Grace would be nice to have. If you have some spare time 
and you are willing to look at it, there's a model problem/solution there. The 
solutions in the page follow that.

All the best,


On Jun 30, 2012, at 10:43 AM, James Noble wrote:

> Hi all 
> Here's a somewhat random email that's been in draft since Beijing.
> Realizing I could talk to WIlliam about this tomorrow encouraged
> me to send this today L-) 
> J
> -----
> I've been talking to people about Bruno & William's Object Algebra paper at ECOOP.
> (version here http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~wcook/Drafts/2012/ecoop2012.pdf)
> one thing I noticed is that this is similar to the newspeak module 
> design - a module is a class, it's constructor takes the "platform"
> which is basically a factory for every object in the program
> http://bracha.org/newspeak-modules.pdf
> my big question - since we're talking about a somewhat similar design for Grace -
> is how e.g. this relates to the kind of nesting / implicit parameterisation you get
> with object nesting / family polymorphism?  The context is that we're looking at
> module design for Grace, and are wondering how to do it.  
> I also typed up a small implementation of half of the example in the paper in Grace.
> (Half because that's as far as I got in Beijing; there'd be no problem doing the rest)
> Currently without types because our generic typechecker isn't done yet.
> But this does work, and shows the topology.  One odd aspect 
> of this implementation - it's not about object algebras per se, but
> rather about Grace's "encoding" of classes as objects - a classes-as-methods
> encoding would make object algebras' code a little cleaner still.
> In Grace you write "factory.lit(3)" as a "constructor" call but that is defined 
> in terms of "Lit.new(3)" th e "new" method to a class.
> Of course, I guess one could call the sole constructor "lit" too,
> so you'd write Lit.lit(3).
> hmm...
> James
> This should work if you cut & paste into the top-left box of 
> http://homepages.ecs.vuw.ac.nz/~mwh/minigrace/js/
> // "Fig.1 An object-oriented encoding of integer expressions"
> type Exp  = { eval } 
> print "basic composite data"
> class Lit.new(n : Number) -> Exp {
>  def eval = n
> }
> class Add.new(l',r') -> Exp {
>  def l = l'
>  def r = r'
>  method eval {l.eval+ r.eval}
> }
> print "used direcly"
> print ( Add.new(Lit.new(3), Lit.new(5)).eval )
> print "Fig.2  Visitor interface for arithmetic expressions (also an object algebra interface)"
> type IntAlg<A> = {
>  lit(x : Number) -> A
>  add(e1 : A, e2 : A) -> A 
> }
> print "Fig.3. Using an object algebra as a factory"
> class IntFactory.new -> IntAlg<Exp> { 
>  method lit(x : Number) -> Exp { Lit.new(x) }
>  method add(e1 : Exp, e2 : Exp) -> Exp {  Add.new(e1, e2) }
> }
> print "used via a factory"
> def f = IntFactory.new
> print ( f.add(f.lit(3), f.lit(5)).eval )
> print "a function parametric in the factory - types omitted as  grace doesn't do generic"
> method exp(v) {return v.add(v.lit(3), v.lit(5))}
> print "called function with factory"
> print (exp(f).eval)
> print "Fig.4 A retroactive implementation of printing for arithmetic expressions"
> type Print = { 
>  printString -> String
> }
> class IntPrint.new {
>  method lit(x : Number) { 
>    return object { method printString -> String {return "{x}"} } }
>  method add(e1 : Print, e2 : Print) {
>    return object { method printString -> String {return "{e1.printString} + {e2.printString}"} } }
> }
> def p = IntPrint.new
> print (exp(p).printString)
> print "Fig.5 Adding a printing operation"
> class Print2.new {
>  method lit(x : Number) {return "{x}"}
>  method add(e1 : Print, e2 : Print) {return "{e1} + {e2}"}
> }
> def print2 = Print2.new
> print (print2.lit(333))
> print "Fig. 6 Adding boolean expressions"
> class Bool.new(b : Boolean) -> Exp {
>  def eval = b
> }
> class Iff.new(e1',e2',e3')  {
>  def e1 = e1'
>  def e2 = e2'
>  def e3 = e3'
>  method eval {if (e1.eval) then {e2.eval} else {e3.eval}}
> }
> print "done"

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