[Grace-core] Inheritance and object initialisation

Kim Bruce kim at cs.pomona.edu
Wed Jul 25 13:07:41 PDT 2012

I'm afraid I don't understand how initializedNew is invoked (you never seem to use it in your example).  I wrote the following code to test it:

def initializingClass = object {
    method initializedNew {
    method new {print "superclass new method"}        // I assume that "is abstract" means that it can be overridden without an overrides annotation.
    method initialize {print "old initialize"}

def aCanvas = object {
    inherits initializingClass.new
    method new { 
        object {
            print "new object"
    method initialize {print "new initialize"}

I believe that fits your pattern.  How do you create an object from aCanvas?  Writing aCanvas.new prints out:
superclass new method
new object

and never executes either initialize method.


On Jul 25, 2012, at 12:32 PM, Andrew P. Black wrote:

> I just realized that, if one wants the Smalltalk-like (and Java-like) behavior of every object running an "initialize" method _after_ it is created, then we can get that behaviour in a similar way to the way that Smalltalk gets it — by inheritance.  Thusly:
> 	def initializingClass = object {
> 			method initializedNew {
> 				self.new.initialize
> 			}
> 			method new is abstract  	// I assume that "is abstract" means that it can be overridden without an overrides annotation.
> 			method initialize is abstract
> 	}
> 	def aCanvas = object {
> 			inherits initializingClass.new
> 			method new { 
> 				object {
> 					inherits ...
> 					... define your instance object here ...
> 				}
> 			}
> 			method initialize {
> 				// this method executes after the instance of aCanvas has been created.
> 				// you can do all of the side effects you want here.  self refers to the new object
> 			}
> 	}
> As in Smalltalk, this pattern works well when there are no parameters to the factory method.   However, if the programmer is following Kent Beck's Constructor Method Pattern (which I always tell my students to do)
> 	Constructor Method Pattern: Provide methods that create well-formed instances. Pass all required parameters to them.
> then the factory method will almost always have parameters, and if the programmer is using the intention-revealing selector pattern, then the factory method won't be called "new", but will have a name that communicates the role of the arguments.
> In this case, implicit initialization is a bit less elegant:
> 	def aCanvas = object {
> 			inherits initializingClass.new
> 			method new { 
> 				object {
> 					inherits ...
> 					... define your instance object here ...
> 				}
> 			method windowOfWith(w)height(h) {
> 					def result = self.initializedNew
> 					result.height := h
> 					result.width := w
> 					result
> 				}
> 			method initialize {
> 				// this method executes after the instance of aCanvas has been created, but before the assignment of h and w to its fields
> 				// you can do all of the side effects you want here. self refers to the new object
> 	}
> Personally, I don't see that this is better than just requesting initialize directly from inside the  windowOfWith(w)height(h) method, 
> 			method windowOfWith(w)height(h) {
> 					def result = self.new
> 					result.initialize
> 					result.height := h
> 					result.width := w
> 					result
> 				}
> but if a programmer really objects to requesting initialization explicitly, then this pattern is available.
> 	Andrew
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