[Grace-core] Summer Plans

Andrew P. Black black at cs.pdx.edu
Mon Jun 18 11:04:08 PDT 2012

On 18 Jun 2012, at 10:51 , Andrew P. Black wrote:

> One workaround is to write out the nested objects as I have done above.  Another is to make diagonal and semiDiagonal methods rather than fields; this is quite reasonable in this example, since a client might want them anyway.   Note, however, that if a method refers to w and h, then w and h will be captured in the environment of the object, and thus the object might take up more storage than is obvious from the fields in the class construct.

A third solution is to change the rule that every def automatically generates a method.  If un-annotated defs don't create methods, but those annotated <readable> do, then there is no problem using 

	def diagonal = w at h
	def semiDiagonal = diagonal / 2

etc.   Any defined name that is referenced in a method with become part of the object closure, and thus consume storage, but defined names that are referenced only in other name definitions don't consume storage. 


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