[Grace-core] Wired article of interest

Kim Bruce kim at cs.pomona.edu
Mon Jun 18 15:49:31 PDT 2012

This reminds me that I wanted to suggest to those of you who did not make it to the Turing Centenary celebration that you should listen to the remarks during the Programming Languages panel.  ACM has put all of the presentations up on the web at turing100.acm.org.  Click through to the webcast site and select the programming languages session by navigating on the right side of the image (it's a little subtle).  Unfortunately the first presentation is fairly incoherent (and uninteresting), but starting at minute 21 you get the presentations by Wirth and Liskov and they are quite good.


P.S.  For some reason the site isn't coming up for me right now -- it may be that they are being clobbered by too many connections.  Keep trying if that is the case.

On Jun 18, 2012, at 3:19 PM, James Noble wrote:

>> Why Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die?
> right - which reminds me of some things I was saying at ECOOP:
> it's not just about building a language, we also have to (somehow)
> built a community.  Some of the biggest problems are sociological,
> not just technical.
> James

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