[Grace-core] Short-circuiting elseif
Thomas Kühne
Thomas.Kuehne at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Mar 15 17:29:36 PDT 2012
Michael Homer wrote:
> Alternatively all tests could be in blocks for consistency
> across a call, even though the first one is always guaranteed to
> execute.
One solution is not to support "elseif" but provide a method that takes
a collection of condition-action associations as the first argument.
|cond [
{|sum(data) < 5|} -> {...}.
{|product(data) > 20|} -> {...}.
] otherwise {...}.|
(Here "[...]" is used to construct a collection and "->" is used to
construct an association. Grace may have other conventions to accomplish
Thomas Kuehne +64 4 463 5443, http://ecs.vuw.ac.nz/~tk
"The difficulty in doing research is to find the right questions so that all the answers come easily" --TK
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