[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 14.03.2012

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Tue Mar 20 17:05:02 PDT 2012

 * usual discussions of the deficiencies of Skype, Lion, old Macs…
 * Kim sent some code, James hacked it to work, Rectangle.grace in sample code
 * Kim & Andrew hacked it some more on mini grace, and played with minigrace/demo for a while
 * J mentioned Michael had said he'd have a crack at collections 
    - we talked about e.g. Smalltalk vs Java models of arrays & allocations --- primitive for memory allocation
    - asked if Michael could send a design

 * talked about Kim & Andrew's Lang.NeXT talk.

 * talked about else if - we suggest just nesting ifs
>       if (C1) then { B1 } else {if (C2}) then { B2 } else { B3 }}

   if it's deeply nested we should refactor.
   in other words, we favour semantic over syntactic consistency

   of course, programmers can define their own else if
    but it should be "if (C1) then { B1 } elseif {C2} then { B2 } else { B3 }" 
    or just write some kind of "cond"     if they do :-)

 * next meeting  3-5pm 27th Pacific,  11-13 28st NZ


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