[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 31.5-1.6

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu May 31 21:22:53 PDT 2012

* talked about syntax. For about an hour.  
   some outcomes:
     - agreed arguments must be delimited
        - parens or curleys
        - question about strings, or other literals
        - proposed we write code with arguments delimited and see if we like it
     - can we compress the operator hierarchy
         - remove levels for additive & multiplicative operators
         - remove levels for prefix operators
         - proposed we write code with fully parenthesized operators and see if we like it
     - james will add a priority table to the spec, and at lead make it self consistent

* talked about what people are doing 
  -  Amy: Collections
  - Richard: Racket
  - Michael - ECOOP
  - Jan: new AST, pretty printer..
  - Tim - JavaScript for interoperability, Processing.js
  - Smilla? - GraceUnit (or Grunit?  or Grunt?) 

* minor todos for minigrace
     - anonymous type literals
     - checking constructor return types

* big issues
     - annotations (Kim)
     - protocol for all objects (top of the hierarchy)
     - generics / types / etc (james)
     - module system (james) 

* next meetings
    - James & Kim Thu 7 Fri 8 June
    - James & Andrew & Michael H @ ECOOPLDI - 11/12 June
    - Kim & Andrew - in person 14/15 June
    - back to normal 21/22 JUne

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