[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 20-21.11.12

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Tue Nov 20 17:41:02 PST 2012

* talked about plans for Kim & Andrew going to PLDG working group 

* mentioned potential paper on SE vs CS language pedagogy - explicit vs implicit - e.g. for  CSEE&T
     http://conferences.computer.org/cseet/2013/cfp.html - 28 Jan, 10pgs IEEE 6x9

* Introduced Alex Sandilands, who will be working on IDEs over the NZ summer

* Kim will have a student senior project starting in January.

* Tried to discus module / dialect model 

* the "lexical binding" explanation for variables was discussed. again. 

* the concatenative model of inheritance was discussed. again.

* J to write up dialect model - based on lexically outermost module-object & a "restricted" annotation 

* next meeting same time next week 27-28 November - *HOBBIT DAY* in Wellington!


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