[Grace-core] Dialect Design Proposal

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Nov 29 02:22:51 PST 2012

On 29/11/2012, at 06:17 AM, Lex Spoon wrote:

>  Idiomatic JavaScript uses class-based inheritance.

the catch is this doesn't mean much - except that everyone is taught Java, rather than Self :-)

> It seems that Self, even after all this time, is the
> best exemplar for prototype-based inheritance.

right, but even then Self in practice is not perfect. 

Programmers (or the IDE) have to "copy down" variables as part of building an object,
rather than using delegation. And Self *doesn't* have "object nesting".   Newspeak,
which builds heavily on Self, went back to classes (although without Smalltalk-style
definitional metaclasses)


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