[Grace-core] Habanero C

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Oct 1 23:22:15 PDT 2012

> Here is a link to information on Habanero C.  It would be useful to confirm that it cannot be adapted to our use.
> https://wiki.rice.edu/confluence/display/HABANERO/Habanero-C

yep, I saw that, thanks for passing the link on Kim.

There are a couple of things there that made me wonder if a source-to-source
translation may not work, notably the bit about no pointers to HC functions (i.e. Grace methods)

There may also be another option, depending on how much the compiler needs to do,
which is to use the Habanero C runtime and call directly to that. Hopefully that we we'd 
steal their optimized code and work-stealer.   Best as if someone inside the compiler
(most likely Michael?) looks at this? 



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