[Grace-core] Inheritance and Template Objects

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Apr 3 22:34:15 PDT 2013

> I thought of doing this using flow analysis and constant propagation, rather than type checking, but I can see that you could use type checking.

All the coolest type systems today do constant propagation and glow analysis. 

>> 	myObject.template or mirrors.templateOf(Object)
>> do you think of this as as base-level operation or a metal-level operation -
> Getting a template from an object is clearly a meta-level operation.   But then, so is inheritance.   So I think that's OK.

Well that's the question, isn't it.  It is in Smalltalk but not in Java --- in Java it's not an object operation but nor is it strictly meta - I guess it's a class level
operation or something. 

(More to come)


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