[Grace-core] Objectdraw and animations

Kim Bruce kim at cs.pomona.edu
Mon Aug 19 16:12:31 PDT 2013

Hi Jameson,

I've been making slow progress in working with the animation library, mainly handicapped by the occasional (and unpredictable) lack of error messages and a few other weird unpredictable errors.

The main issues have been:
1.  An error (in this case calling a non-existentl method name) inside an animator.while()do()finally() invocation stops the thread, but the error message gets lost -- never printed out in the browser window.  I suspect it's losing track of where that is.  Any chance of fixing that?

2.  The other issue, which occurs regularly (but unpredictably) involves being forced to add "self" when accessing instance variables from superclasses.  This happens regularly when using the inherited canvas in aGraphicApplication.  I suspect that is an issue with the general javascript implementation.  However, I haven't managed to isolate this in a small example.  I will eventually get around to that.  I suspect it is related to having the superclass in a separate module.


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