[Grace-core] Fwd: Re: [Minigrace] minor nits - should imports be inherited

Timothy Jones tim at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Tue Dec 3 00:01:26 PST 2013

Sorry, I derped on the address when sending this, expect to see it twice.

On 03/12, Michael Homer wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 4:31 PM, James Noble <kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz> wrote:
> >> For displaying I could go with display or show.  Haskell uses "show" and it seems quite natural.  I agree that print no longer makes any sense.
> Haskell doesn't use "show"; show is roughly equivalent to
> asDebugString. It generally uses putStrLn, which isn't really an ideal
> name. show is quite an unnatural one for what it does.

Well, really the equivalent Haskell function is 'print', whose type is
'Show a => a -> a'.  'putStrLn' is the equivalent of 'hPutStrLn stdout'.

'show' is intended as the opposite of 'read', where 'write' would be even more
confusing, but it is a pretty awful name (better than JS's 'stringify', though?).

> > I'd quite like show (or display, or inspect, or debug)  to do stuff graphically.
> >
> > that's different from "print" which prints to a default textual output stream
> Yes.

This assumes that the user is thinking in terms of output streams: 'print'
probably means printing a document from a printer to the uninitiated.  I would
personally go with something like 'say'.


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