[Grace-core] Obejctdraw

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Fri Dec 20 17:36:36 PST 2013

Oops sent too soon...

>> Yes, sharing of mutable state is a big problem.  We could also let the students play with immutable points, but store them internally as mutable, I suppose (making sure we convert back to immutable before they escape).

I can't see the point of doing that!

>>>> I suspect we may want to have both mutable and immutable points.
>>> I fear that way lies madness....
>>> although I've almost convined myself that primitive, low, level immutable points,
>>> and higher level, mutable, sharable, constrainable locations may be what is needed...
>> That's probably what I'm suggesting above.

So Objectdraw might use mutable locations, but the lower level stuff would use immutable points. Seems reasonable to me


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