[Grace-core] Top type?

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Tue Jul 9 11:03:41 PDT 2013

> The spec says that Object is the top type.  Is that correct, or is it Top.  None is the bottom type, yes?

I *remember* talking about this at Claremont with you * Andrew, the same time variables went lexical.

> Minutes of Teleconference 2012.01.04-05

> Any - top type, type of any object
> Object - type of most objects
> Void - return type of Commands
> None - bottom type 

But Mintues from Meeting 2-3.07.2012 includes Andrew's notes which says

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> object {}   inherits from graceObject, which is of type Object.
> graceObject has methods for comparison, its corresponding hash, asDebugString, and asString.  It inherits from done. 
> done is an object that has no methods other than asDebugString.  Its type is called Done.  The value done is returned 
> from methods that have nothing better to return.   All other types conform to Done.
> None is the type with all possible methods.  It is uninhabited.  None conforms to all other types.

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