[Grace-core] Name resolution in Grace

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Jul 11 15:03:27 PDT 2013

So I've been thinking about this while travelling to EuroPLoP
(where I am now, great place but not too much time for email)

>> Well, I knew that you wouldn't like this.  But I'm still waiting to see what you would like!

I quite liked the sound of Martin Odersky's rule we talked about last week:

> (This was Martin Odersky's suggestion — lexical means within the current compilation unit, and thus visible on the screen in front of me.)

this (I think) gives version of Newspeak's rules:
 - things in method or block scope are lexically bound
 - things on Self are dynamically bound
 - things on outer are lexically bound - Newspeak doesn't look up the superclass chain
     when it is resolving implicit sends to outers. 

It's attractive in that you never have to look "too far" to find things - although we'd probably want to follow inheritance of the dialect itself, which looks rather a special case.  I'm not sure if this supports
all the family polymorphism patterns (although perhaps that's a good thing)

Michael's rule is straightforward "up then out" I think, the gBeta rule, perhaps also the Java rule?

1) Look at names in the current scope
 - names declared locally
 - names inherited (if the current scope is an object) 
If a matching name exists, resolve to it and terminate.
2) Go out one scope, and forget about the scope we were in before.
3) Go to 1.

this works (reasonably) well with the concatenation story we tell about inheritance:
that pretty much requires inheritance to have a higher priority than scope or object nesting,
but it does make strange things happen if an outer-super-class accidentally redefines something
defined in a dialect --- and (depending on what "names inherited" actually means)
even weirder things happen if an outer-sub-class overrides stuff.

There is also a question of binding time - self must be late bound, but *how late*? 

How dynamic do we want the dynamic / untyped programming style to be?

I have been trying to think about cases like the one listed below - but then my head just hurts:

module foo.grace ===============

class Foo.new { 

    class FooFoo.new {
       method doit {foobaz} 

    method foobaz {print "FOO"} 


module bar.grace =================

import "foo.grace" as foo

class Bar.new {
   inherits foo.Foo.new 

   method foobaz {print "BAR"} 



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