[Grace-core] On Gradual Typing

Michael Homer mwh at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Jul 17 02:56:23 PDT 2013

So far, the conception of how gradual typing works in Grace has been
that the typechecker is always there, but that by using "Dynamic" or
omitting the annotations you can get dynamically typed code that the
typechecker doesn't do anything with. I'm not sure all of that that
has been explicitly noted anywhere, but it is how I understand it to
be. The type annotations do not have any effect on the run-time
behaviour, but simply allow rejecting programs that are invalid from a
certain point of view at an early stage. Dynamic checks occur at the
boundary between dynamic and static code when required.

I've mentioned before that I don't think all of this actually fits
together, but interest has been low. There are three separate related
issues with the gradual/static typing in the language that seem
problematic to me, which are dealt with in three separate sections
below beginning with the most fundamental. There is a so-what summary
at the end.

Let us consider the following completely statically-typed program:
1    object {
2        method x -> Done {
3            self.y
4        }
5    }
Line 3 is clearly a static type error because there is no such method
"y" on self.

Now let us consider the following completely dynamically-typed program:
1    object {
2        method x {
3            self.y
4        }
5    }
Line 3 is clearly a static type error because there is no such method
"y" on self.

We have a problem here.

A key goal has been that control structures are actually methods
inside. Let's look at a plausible definition of the for-do method:
1    method for(iterable)do(block) {
2        def iterator = iterable.iterator
3        while {iterator.hasNext} do {block.apply(iterator.next)}
4    }
(It is possible that for-do delegates to an internal iterator method
on the collection - that doesn't matter for these purposes).
Of course, we want statically-typed code to stay statically-typed, so
this method actually needs type annotations:
1    method for(iterable : Iterable)do(block : Block) {
2        def iterator = iterable.iterator
3        while {iterator.hasNext} do {block.apply(iterator.next)}
4    }
And since collections will be generic, that actually needs to read:
1    method for(iterable : Iterable<E>)do(block : Block<E, Done>) {
2        def iterator : Iterator<E> = iterable.iterator
3        while {iterator.hasNext} do {block.apply(iterator.next)}
4    }
But where did the E come from? So we really have:
1    method for<E>(iterable : Iterable<E>)do(block : Block<E, Done>) {
2        def iterator : Iterator<E> = iterable.iterator
3        while {iterator.hasNext} do {
4            block.apply(iterator.next)
5        }
6    }
So far so good.

We want to write accesses to this method like control structures:
1    for (someList) do { v -> print(v) }
>From here we will have another problem.

In order to be able to write dynamically-typed code, omitted generic
parameters must be populated with "Dynamic" (at runtime - we don't
necessarily know statically what the type of the method is, so this,
rather than static inference, must be the semantics of the language).
Because we have retained generics that really are just additional
formal parameters, this is actually important. So
1    for (someList) do { v -> print(v) }
is a dynamically-typed request, and all is well.

In statically-typed code, though, what does that mean? If I write
1    for (someList) do { v : X -> print(v) }
then that must (because we have gradual typing) mean the same thing as
the dynamically-typed case, regardless of whether we know the type of
the method. That rules out inference of the parameter. So in your
statically-typed code, this loop is actually
1    def someList : List<Number> = generateNumberList(5)
2    for<Number> (someList) do { v : Number -> print(v) }
This seems unwieldy, but perhaps it is acceptable to the people who
are concerned with that. Internal iterators do not have this problem,
although the general issue still stands.

Now consider the last argument to the method, a block. What is its
type? What is the type of a block in general? In one of the early
examples, I wrote
1    method for(iterable : Iterable)do(block : Block) {
Is there even a "Block" type? The type of
1    { v : Number -> print(v) }
seems like it must be roughly { apply(_ : Number) -> Done }. What about
2    { print "OK" }
? It must be { apply() -> Done }, while
3    { a : Number, b : Number -> print(a + b) }
must be { apply(_ : Number, _ : Number) -> Done }. The common
supertype of these types is {}, the top type, because the methods have
different parameter counts. There seems to be no common "Block" type
possible. Instead, there needs to be many "Block0", "Block1" types
defined, or possibly variadic generics. In either case, these will all
be totally different types.

When I write
1    var sum := 0
2    for (1..5) { i -> sum := sum + i }
I am clearly concerned with the actual values I am iterating over.
What about if I simply want to repeat something?
1    for (1..5) { print "****************" }
Firstly, is this type-correct? It seems that it cannot be, when there
is no overarching Block type. Secondly - ignoring types - is it even
semantically valid at runtime? Can I provide a block with excess
arguments? People have been habitually writing code with both forms
(it was even put in the specification), but it doesn't seem like they
can both be well-typed.

Type inference of the return type of the block seems to have many of
the same conceptual issues as other inference, but I don't think it
affects runtime behaviour that isn't either already doing type
matching or a gradual check. There doesn't seem to be any way to
specify the type explicitly.

What can we take from all of this? Firstly, that the story saying that
the typechecker is always there but is avoided by omitting type
annotations is unsustainable. It is not possible to write entirely
dynamically-typed code simply by leaving off type annotations, and a
programmer expecting to do so will face unexpected type errors they
are not prepared for. Tim has been talking about implementing the
typechecker as a dialect for research purposes; I think that this is
in fact the only way forward, in which the typechecker is an
additional layer that may be bolted on for programs desiring static

Secondly, that given all of this, anywhere that type inference is
required is a significant problem. With the typechecker necessarily
optional, it isn't possible for it to modify the behaviour of the
program, but it would need to do so to allow inference to occur.
Inferring out of blocks is one thing, but inferring generic parameters
is simply not possible. Variants of the rule where inference only
occurs for statically-typed code cause spooky action at a distance,
where a new type annotation in one part of the program causes a
behavioural change somewhere far away, and so aren't satisfactory
either. So types must always be specified if they are to be used, or
any inference that is utterly essential must be very narrowly

Thirdly, that the run-time checks implied by gradual typing end up in
an interesting place in this world. They presumably end up
implementing a specific view of the types, but how that conforms to
the view taken by the static checker is unclear. There seems to be a
mode where there are no static checks, but fully-typed code will be
checked dynamically at every step. No type inference is possible here.

Finally, that exactly how blocks work needs some urgent consideration.
They are pervasive but underspecified.

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