[Grace-core] Odersky talk

Kim Bruce kim at cs.pomona.edu
Mon Jun 24 16:16:31 PDT 2013

The following is a link to a keynote talk by Odersky at ScalaDays 2013 titled Scala with Style:


Because I've been writing a lot of Grace, I've been struggling a bit with style myself.  The talk starts out with a nice justification of languages like Scala and Grace that combine OO and functional features and that tend to use more immutable data.  He then goes off into 6 style recommendations -- some of which are obvious and can be quickly skipped (e.g., pick good names), but then goes off (about 60 minutes in) into 6 style choices possible in Scala.  At least one (choice 4) reflects what he now realizes was a design mistake, but the others are relevant to Grace.  The last is the choice between using dynamic dispatch and pattern matching in different circumstances.  Other examples have to do with nesting methods (which we don't allow), using operators, etc.

I recommend you take  a look at least at the last part of the talk. 


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