[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 4-5.3.2013

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Mar 4 16:40:31 PST 2013

* established video-link
* looked over the SIGCSE talk
* mourned ECOOP rejected paper
  - aiming for SPLASHOOLA

* other deadlines...

* SPLASHOOLA -  Mar 28
* SPLASHOnward - Apr 05
* SPLASHOnwardEssays - Apr 10
* ECOOP COOMPL WS - April 10 - http://coompl.org/2013/ecoop/index.html
* ECOOP ICLOOPS - April 19 - http://icooolps.loria.fr/icooolps2013/ 
* ECOOP MAGSPECHI WS - April 21 - http://www.cs.jyu.fi/maspeghi2013/call.html 
* DLS - June 08 
* GPCE - June 14 - 10 pages SIGPLAN, 4 pages SIGPLAN
* SLE - June 7/ 14   - 20 pages LNCS, 10 pages LNCS 

* ECOOP DLS workshop - http://dsldi2013.hyperdsls.org - no deadline, contact adam.welc at oracle.com to present


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