[Grace-core] Considering Traits as Objects in Grace

Andrew P Black andrew.p.black at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 15:58:11 PST 2013

> On 5/03/2013, at 23:19 PM, Michael Homer wrote:
>> I currently have an "is parent" annotation
>> implemented (on def fields only), which gives essentially the
>> single-delegation behaviour described.
> so one thing I figured out was that we can try the delegation version using this - 
> the following code can be pasted into a fresh minigrace, it works but has an error
> that I'm not sure how to fix (because I'm not sure what Andrew meant)

The example in the paper was wrong, which was why it didn't work for Michael.

This program, or rather the variant of it that compiles and does what I intended, is now in homer.grace in the sample code directory.   I'm assuming that 

	def myParent is parent = t

means what I was writing as 

	uses t

where the super object is called myParent rather than super.

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