[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 11-12.3.2013

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Mar 11 20:56:04 PDT 2013

* the videoconference worked! first time. quality was fine in NZ but apparently rubbish in US.

* summer of code proposal is due March 18-29 
 - Kim to lead this effort

* need to refresh Graceland before app goes in
      - James to sort web
      - Tim will look at design once he's drafted his proposal!
 - plan to prettify grace-lang.org by the end of March - at least move the non-WP pages into WP
 - get all the papers up there
 - what do we want on our front page?
 - shopping?

* andrew will write a blog entry and/or grace-interest post

* the OOPSLA submission
 - text is 15 pages - 
 - be clearer about module stuff
 - better comparision with Racket DSLs
      with SpooFAXX?  Cedalion? Xtext? - other DSL things?
 - better comparison of modules with related work (if we keep modules in the paper)
 - more on Grace's syntactic design
 - Michael will do a first pass on this

* CSEE&T camera ready - date not yet sent

* OOPSLA - Abstract March 22nd -- Michael to worry about
* OOPSLA - March 28th turning around ECOOP paper.  

* LIVE workshop at ICSE - demos - April 4th

* Onward! Research - April 5th
* Onward! Essay - April 10th 
* OOPSLA Tutorials - April 10 

* ECOOP COOMPL WS - April 10 - http://coompl.org/2013/ecoop/index.html
* ECOOP ICLOOPS - April 19 - http://icooolps.loria.fr/icooolps2013/ 
* ECOOP MAGSPECHI WS - April 21 - http://www.cs.jyu.fi/maspeghi2013/call.html 
* DLS - June 08 
* GPCE - June 14 - 10 pages SIGPLAN, 4 pages SIGPLAN
* SLE - June 7/ 14   - 20 pages LNCS, 10 pages LNCS 

* ECOOP DLS workshop - http://dsldi2013.hyperdsls.org - no deadline, contact adam.welc at oracle.com to present
    - michael to contact

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