[Grace-core] ECOOP Workshops Due Dates (it's not too late for a trip to Sweden)
James Noble
kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Fri Apr 11 14:08:36 PDT 2014
ECOOP Workshops Overview: http://ecoop14.it.uu.se/programme/workshops.php
FTfJP Formal Techniques for Java-Like Programs
Abstract May 6 / Paper May 12 - 6 ACM pages for ACM DL - http://ecs.victoria.ac.nz/Events/FTfJP2014/
JSTools Tools for JavaScript Analysis
Paper, Position Paper, Talk Abstract 25 April - http://www.csl.cs.uni-saarland.de/jstools/2014/
ICOOOLPS Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems
Paper May 5 - 1-4 or 10 ACM pages, optionally ACM DL - http://soft-dev.org/events/icooolps14/
PLE Programming Language Evolution
Paper May 9 - 6 ACM pages, ACM DL - http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/cprg/ple14/
Scala Fifth annual Scala Workshop
Abstract April 30 / Paper May 7 - 10 pages ACML DL - http://lampwww.epfl.ch/~hmiller/scala2014/call-for-papers.html
COP Context Oriented Programming
Abstract May 10 / Paper June 6 - 6 pages ACML DL - http://prg.is.titech.ac.jp/events/cop14/
IWACO International Workshop on Aliasing, Capabilities, and Ownership
Paper May 7 - 8 or 15 pages LNCS - http://www.ownership-types.org/iwaco14/
COOMPL Combined Object-Oriented Modeling and Programming Languages
Paper May 1 - max 6 pages ACM - http://coompl.org/2014/ecoop/
PLAS Programming Language and Analysis for Security
Paper 20 April - 6 pages ACM - 6 or 12 pages - http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/view_project.php?id=5237
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