[Grace-core] Naming (sigh!)

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Apr 30 04:25:43 PDT 2014

(draing eamil queues, OK sitting in the back of an electro-drone "music" concert - 
music in only the very loosest of sense) 

On 24/04/2014, at 09:33 am, Andrew P Black <black at cs.pdx.edu> wrote:

> The best way to answer these questions is often to write the Unit Tests that use the methods and look at the code.

yep. so the thing I belatedly realised is often these will all be pefixed by the package local name:

od.aTextAt( 5 at 6 ) with "Foo" on (c) 

especially in that context, I find the "aFoo" naming convention 
(which I always found grating)  grates even more.

od.textAt (5 at 6) 

I'm also aware, if you added in colour,  fontsize, backgound, etc, fontfamily, style,
that single messages to do this kind of creation don't really work.
which is why some langauges end up passing dictionaries 
and others have keyword arguments... 


PS: or should that be c.addText "FOO" at (5 at 6) ??

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