[Grace-core] Parsing ambiguity

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Tue Jul 1 15:50:17 PDT 2014

> I have stubbled over this too.  As comparison operator, in minigrace, < and > must be surrounded by spaces. I don’t believe that this is in the spec.

should it be?
(I have fantasies of getting to the spec sometime today)

> Why do we use < and > to delimit some arguments and ( and ) to delimit others?    Why not use a single mechanism and syntax for all arguments?

1. because Java because C++
2. unlike other arguments, "type" arguments in <>s are optional.
3. at one point I tried to suggest a general optional keyword scheme, and you'd write foo type(X,Y)  or something if you wanted to give types

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