[Grace-core] Minutes of teleconference 10-11.07.2014 (incl. feedback from testers)

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Jul 10 16:31:22 PDT 2014

* Lots of good feedback from the testers (see below) 

* Names of collections (doesn't really matter)
    - list, set, dictionary 
    - sequence  (could abbreviate later) 

* :: vs =>  -  did we decide? 

* talked briefly about GUIs etc

* talked about builds not building

Feedback from testers
 * working through labs
 * where they are split into multiple files, imported types are broken across multiple files
 * Tim has a list of stuff to send
 * GUnit doesn't really work no type checking
 * really liked lab7 - nice demonstration of Grace
 * cans or worms
    - MORE DOCUMENTATION!!!  - or indeed any documentation! 
    - point methods were commented out in the prelude (really confusing) 
    - (or being able to query the implementation?)
  * goal should be: students doesn't have to look through the code (it's not Smalltalk any more!) 
  * different between types, classes, objects is a bit confusing...
  ** def = vs var :=    (but error messages are good!)
  * didn't know := 
  * if you def an object, you can change things inside the object
  * bracketing - operator precedence gets very verbose 
       (i mod 2 == 2) 
  * ACE bracketing editing makes or worse...
  * constructors hard to get used to 
  * most like multi-part method names - 
  * most like prime'  
  * blocks are a really cool idea! very nice unifying concept
  * WHILE needs to TYPECHECK!! 
  * standard while loop  vs anim.while()pausing()do  => ... 
  * consider going to {} for code...  all of 'em could use curlies
  * FOR loops worked well!  
  * can you unify statements --- for()do()  while()do()   if()do() ...? 
  * implementing continue & break...   
  * where the -> goes in for is confusing..... or not?   

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