[Grace-core] Type declarations

Kim Bruce kim at cs.pomona.edu
Fri Mar 21 00:11:50 PDT 2014

On Mar 21, 2014, at 2:42 PM, James Noble <kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz> wrote:

> On 21/03/2014, at 18:59 PM, Kim Bruce <kim at cs.pomona.edu> wrote:
>> Almost all theoretical work in OO languages (at least in the 90s) used structural types and types meant the set of public methods and
>> their types
> well a few more citations wouldn't go amiss. And ever since FJ things went nominal.

FJ took classes as the only types, and as a result it pretty much had to be nominal!   However, if you look at all the work in the late 89's and early 90's on semantics and types, we pretty much exclusively used structural types -- though we often got a lot of crap because of it.

> J

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