[Grace-core] belated Minutes of Telecon 12-13.02.2014

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Mar 26 13:59:24 PDT 2014

the last month's worth of teleconferences have been reviewing various parts of Grace's design.

agreed changes: 

* catch case -> try catch 
	• AGREED to change to try()catch() ... finally()

* type Dynamic renamed to Unknown

* in a type declaration, you may omit "type" directly after =  andrew phrased it
 all other places type literal needs type { } 

 * principle "parsing should not depend on context"   (parsing should be as small as possible) 

delayed changes:

* immutablity - let's be simple...   
     is immutable 
    (but what does it mean, we shoudl ask alex)

rejected changes: 

* pythonic syntax -> collected bad ideas

* static import -> do it in a dialect!  

[[! * UNinterpreted multiline strings are written with triple double quotes    """ """  [[! OH DEAR! ]]

*  NOT changing var to =  -> 

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