[Grace-core] Library Structures

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Tue May 27 15:36:48 PDT 2014

On 28/05/2014, at 10:29 am, Kim Bruce <kim at cs.pomona.edu> wrote:

> OK, I withdraw my suggestion.

but especially if you're writing stuff where modules matter,
putting a comment at the top of the model (or even at the 
top of each chunk of code) does make sense.

> If and when we get a nice IDE that is not file based, the name of the module would be something set by the IDE, and the string in the imports statement would be interpreted in the context of this IDE

Right - and again, I'd expect the various browers/ inspectors/ workspaces/ repls
to have an indication of the module (or other context) in which your code will be interpreted.


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