[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 10-11.08.2015

Kim Bruce kbbruce47 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 16:46:34 PDT 2015

Given our discussion yesterday in the teleconference, I decided it was
worthwhile to write up an informal, but relatively careful specification of
the meaning of objects, classes, and inheritance.  I've put a copy in a new
SemanticsInheritance subfolder of  the GracePapers folder in the svn
repository, but also attach a copy here.  Technically, only section 3 is
necessary, but I tried to explain the issues that arise in trying to
determine the desired semantics.

I would appreciate any corrections or suggestions on clarifications.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 4:56 PM James Noble <kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz> wrote:

> * Tom has changed the website look!
>  - that’s good!  well past time!
>  - other people should post more stuff.
> * Talked about creating objects, delegation, inheritance, etc.
> * Kim’s student’s are done.
>  - Reed has a version of Gracedocs
>  - static type checker works for most things in a single file
> * Andrew gave his midterm (11 students)
>    talked about his JS graphics library
> * We also talked about object construction...
> Michael’s description about what an object constructor does.
>  - an o/c called from other code is given a fresh identity
>  - an o/c called from an inherits call is given the identity created by
> the calling o/c
> THEN the o/c
> - recursively calls any other o/c that it inherits
> - “builds aka/lay out” the object, adding in fields & methods after the
> methods that are already there
>     into the identity it was given
> - run inits code top-to-bottom on the identity it was given
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