[Grace-core] GraceDoc

Kim Bruce kbbruce47 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 18:02:12 PDT 2015

This summer, Reid Mitchell (Pomona '16) put together an automatic document
generation system for Grace, called GraceDoc.  It does not require any
annotations on the part of the programmer.  Instead it uses simple rules to
decide which comments go with declarations of types, classes, and public
defs and variables.  If the programmer doesn't like the generated comments,
they just have to tweak their comments a bit (typically just by adding or
removing blank lines).

While there are lots of things that can be tweaked to make it better (e.g.,
the documentation for defs of objects with factory methods should look more
like that for classes), I think it is quite usable.

It's not quite ready for distribution yet as it needs a slight variant of
the parser and ast modules to associate comment nodes with the appropriate
language constructs, but I did want to show off the results of Reid's work.

The generated documentation for the objectdraw library is at

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