[Grace-core] inheritance for stateless traits and beyond
Marco Servetto
marco.servetto at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 15:02:49 PDT 2015
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On 23 June 2015 at 06:35, Kim Bruce <kbbruce47 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm always cautious about multiple inheritance because I have never yet seen
> anyone do a good job with it in a programming language. Eiffel did the best
> I've seen, yet it still has a lot of issues. Perhaps others know languages
> that have done a better job.
> At this point one of my concerns has to do with the semantics of calls when
> there are multiple versions of the same method name/signature that are
> inherited. (I understand the order of initialization of defs/variables in
> the proposal, just not resolution of method names.)
> Suppose classes c and d both have a method m which respectively print "in c"
> and "in d". What happens in the following code?
> class e.new {
> m
> inherits c.new
> m
> inherits d.new
> m
> method m {
> print "local method"
> m
> }
> Variants on the question:
> (a) remove the first call of m (in case it causes a crash)
> (b) remove the local definition of m
> Note: This is similar to one of the catfish examples, but a bit different.
> For example, I can imagine resolving all method names in the new object
> before starting to initialize any defs or vars, making the answer to the
> original question above that all four calls print "local method". But then
> I still am not clear about what happens if there is no local m.
> As usual, my tendency is to do whatever is the most conservative thing that
> solves our pressing problems (dialects), even if it means programmers must
> be cautious about accessing uninitialized vars and defs.
> Kim
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:50 PM James Noble <kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz> wrote:
>> Here we go again! This is a slightly edited version of the earlier
>> proposal from March, with an added section on "Design Tradeoffs"
>> below. The original proposal and discussion are here:
>> https://mailhost.cecs.pdx.edu/pipermail/grace-core/2015-March/001858.html
>> ******** ******** ******** ********
>> The primarly aim of this proposal is to generalise Grace's current
>> inheritance design to support multiple inheritance from multiple
>> "stateless traits" as well as a single "stateful class". This
>> design works in that case, and has defined semantics in other cases.
>> This proposal builds on this existing "fresh objects" design. Any
>> program that is valid in the current design should have the same
>> behaviour under this proposal. This proposal focuses on the dynamic
>> semantics of inheritance. Additional restrictions on behaviour (what
>> can be inherited from and how, how inheritance should be restricted to
>> be static, to avoid or permit family polymorphism, whether classes
>> should be dotted, should traits or records be separate from classes or
>> objects, etc) may be enforced by a dialect or fought over seperately.
>> * Background: Current design
>> In current "fresh objects" design, an inherits statement includes a
>> method request expression, the resulting method of which must
>> tail-return an object constructor. (A method tail-returns an object
>> constructor iff the last (or only) element of the method body returns
>> an object constructor.) An object constructor that is invoked
>> directly (i.e. not via an inherits clause) binds "self" to a new
>> object identity, while an object constructor invoked indirectly via an
>> inherits statement executs with the same binding of "self" as the
>> object constructor that contained the inherits statement. All code in
>> the body of any object constructor executes in an environment
>> containing all the declarations in that constructor. Code after an
>> inherits statement executes in same environment extended by any
>> (potentially overriding) declarations introduced by that inherits
>> statment. The inherits statement must be the first thing inside the
>> object constructor body.
>> * Multiple inheritance with named parents
>> Multiple "inherits" statements can appear in a single object
>> constructor, executing as they appear in the code. A single inherits
>> statement at the top has the behaviour of the current system
>> (supporting safe upcalls but not downclass) .
>> An inherits statement can include an "as" clause, just like a module
>> import. The given name can only be used as the receiver for "directed
>> super-requests" up a particular inheritance tree, where "self" remains
>> bound to the object produced by the constructor. A single inherits
>> statement without an "as" clause is implicitly named "super". This
>> allows all existing code to function exactly as now.
>> * Ambiguity
>> If an object inherits multiple methods by the same name, the one
>> provided by the last inherits statement wins. In all cases, the
>> eventual method defined in the object (whether inherited or local)
>> SHOULD be fully compatible with the signatures of all inherited
>> methods by the same name, with a local override being provided to
>> satisfy this criterion if applicable.
>> In the case of single-inheritance chains, no ambiguity arises. A local
>> definition in the initiating object constructor will always override
>> an inherited version.
>> In the case of trait-style inheritance of disjoint sets of methods, no
>> ambiguity arises. Multiple independent parents may be composed without
>> issue.
>> Verifying this compatibility statically is up to the dialect, with
>> potentially additional checks occurring at runtime. This is required
>> in order to allow the "when the programmer does it, that means that it
>> is not illegal" style.
>> * Trait Inheritance Without Diamonds
>> This design does not admit diamond inheritance (C++ virtual
>> inheritance) as every fresh object is embedded. If you only inherit
>> from one statefull class, plus any number of stateless traits, this
>> isn't a problem as diamonds are only a problem with state, and there
>> won't be any stateful diamonds. This can (probably) be checked
>> statically (a la Donna Mayaleri -- do you think she can get us some M$
>> funding?).
>> * Positional inheritance and initialisation
>> Inherits statements can appear at any position in the object
>> constructor body **and the inheritance and initialisation occurs
>> visibly at that position**. All side effects of the inherit statement
>> occur when execution flow reaches that statement, and by the start of
>> the following statement all initialisation in that inheritance chain
>> has completed and all its methods are defined.
>> Methods and fields defined directly in an object constructor are
>> available at the start of the execution of its body, although it may
>> not be possible to execute them successfully until other
>> initialisation has completed. Methods and fields defined in a
>> superobject are available after the "inherits" statement introducing
>> that superobject, and their initialisation will be complete.
>> The effect is that, with "inherits" at the top of the object body,
>> upcalls are safe; with it at the bottom, downcalls to you are safe;
>> and with care, you can order things so both work. Common programming
>> styles are likely to favour either upcalls or downcalls, so a dialect
>> may enforce that inherits statements only appear at either the top or
>> bottom for its code.
>> Note that this resolves issues with what Kim wants to do in the
>> current system, but may require some motivation to be clear on what
>> the point is. I have put the sequence of motivating examples in a
>> sidebar so they don't stretch this out -
>> http://ecs.vuw.ac.nz/~mwh/positional-motivation.txt
>> * Inheriting from Modules
>> Inheriting from modules (or other existing objects) is by shallow
>> cloning. Modules can export a public "clone" method which counts as a
>> method tail-returning an object construtor and so can be inherited from.
>> ******** ******** ******** ********
>> Design Tradeoffs:
>> any design for inheritance must trade off (at least) the following
>> forces. Which is why it's hard, of course...
>> * Upcalls
>> If you want to make upcalls safely during construction then the
>> superclass should have been initialised when you make the call. This
>> means the superclass initialisation must be run before the subclass.
>> * Downcalls
>> Conversely, if you want to make downcalls safely during construction
>> then the subclass must have been initialised. This means the subclass
>> initialisation must be run before the superclass.
>> * Upcalls vs Downcalls
>> These two forces conflict: if you have only one initialisation rule,
>> it can support one or other but not both. If you want to allow both,
>> there must be some way of selecting between the two behaviours. Scala
>> for example has a way of getting "early" initialisers -
>> (see
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4712468/in-scala-what-is-an-early-initializer/4716273#4716273
>> )
>> Allowing "inherits" statements anywhere within a class body gives this
>> flexibility. Banning "self" in constructor bodies removes this
>> problem, but means you can't do upcalls or downcalls. A dialect could
>> concievably ban "self" in (non-top-level) object constructors to avoid
>> most of these problems.
>> * Visible changes to an object's class (method resolution)
>> If inherits clauses take effect at their position in an object
>> constructor then an object will apparently change "class" during
>> construction. This is not so different from most "hardhat" style
>> proposals, which forbid programmers from seeing their potentially
>> uninitialised super- or sub-objects, whereas in our case the
>> uninitialised super- or sub-objects wouldn’t be there yet...
>> * Procedural code & ordering
>> The bodies of object constructors are straight-line imperative code
>> --- and otherwise straight-line imperative code (module bodies,
>> scripts, the repl) are seen as the same as object construtors. If
>> initialisation occurs inside special initialiser blocks (Java's "{}"
>> initialisers, O'Caml's "initialiser {}" blocks) or in a different
>> scope (O'Caml's "defs" are initialised by expressions in the
>> surrounding lexical scope) then procedural code inside objects doesn't
>> have straightforward semantics. If all straight-line code is still
>> seen as object constructors, then cannot be procedural code at all.
>> * Imperative objects vs declarative classes
>> With declarative static classes, inheritance can be calculated
>> statically before any code executes. In a system based on dynamic
>> objects, with only method requests, it is necessary to send those
>> requests at run time, as method requests can have arbitrary return
>> values and side effects. Sending requests twice, or re-ordering them,
>> also leads to the "procedural code & ordering" problem.
>> * Resolution
>> If everything is resolved by method requests, then to know statically
>> what is being inherited, it must be possible to find the code that
>> will eventually respond to the request. If the request chain starts
>> at something that may be overridden, resolving this "statically" is
>> more difficult, and cannot mean "modularly at the time the class is
>> compiled". Allowing a non-overridable declarations ("let", "final")
>> can ease this analysis.
>> * "inherits" statement recieves an object
>> The inherits statements recieves (something close to) a normal object,
>> with a normal protocol. Requests sent to objects in the "inherits"
>> statement should be normal messages, not reflexivle messages (like
>> "deleteSlots" or "override").
>> * Direct inheritance vs trait algebra
>> A full trait algebra (with subtraction, omission, etc) is more complex
>> than a system that just supports incorporation or inheritance of whole
>> objects. A trait algebra seems important for unanticipated reuse, but
>> straight inheritance seems enough for mostly anticipated resuse
>> (especailly if we can conceptually replace the whole library anyway).
>> * Static vs Dynamic checks
>> Dialects can check pretty much anything that can be resolved
>> statically. We can also mandate dynamic checkcs to enforce class
>> compatibility --- e.g. that overriding methods are declared "is
>> overrides" or/and that overriding methods retain signature
>> compatibility, or/and that traits are statelesss, and/or that
>> the inherits clauses resolve to methods that trail return object
>> constructors or are otherwise "fresh" objects.
>> * One versus many
>> Do we want one "class-like thing" that lets us declare both statefull
>> classes and stateless traits, or more than one?
>> Do we want one "inherits" clause that lets us inherit from either a
>> class or a stateless trait, or more than one?
>> This design assumes just one thing is better than many similar things.
>> * Implicit vs explicit
>> Should we explicit declare and/or mark in types: "methods that
>> tail-return object constructors"? "stateless traits"? "stateful
>> classes"? ... etc.
>> * Other kinds of inheritance
>> Libraries could provide additional methods that "count as if they were
>> tail-returning an object constructor" with various semantics including
>> cloning, but also delegation, forwarding, proxies, &c. Objects would
>> have to choose to export these methods so that they do not need
>> additional privileged access to self reflectively from outside.
>> ******** ******** ******** ********
>> * Other unresolved issues:
>> - Evaluation order of types that depend on types defined in a
>> superclass.
>> - "Definitively static" rules out all inheritance chains not rooted in
>> an object defined in the local scope of the method or an imported
>> module.
>> - Static binding of names with type parameters.
>> All of the above may be related to, but are not the same as, Tim's
>> proposed "let".
>> - Introduction of method names in a subclass/use of unqualified names
>> in the superclass.
>> - Do repeated field declarations give rise to new storage spaces? Some
>> relevant examples are in another sidebar at
>> <http://ecs.vuw.ac.nz/~mwh/catfish.txt>.
>> - Non-local returns and exceptions during object construction can lead
>> to leaked partially-initialised objects.
>> - The Raw and The Cooked. Should we track object's initialisation
>> state explicitly / make it availale in the debugger / reflexively?
>> Should this also be tracked in types (presumably types normally mean
>> a cooked version unless annotated raw?) Should sending a message
>> to a raw object raise an execption (unless done by magic / from
>> within the dynamic extent of that object's constructor)?
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