[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 22-23.06.2015

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Jun 22 16:22:53 PDT 2015

* figured out Andrew is in Ware (thanks to Facebook)

* Kim working on the text ch1-15 in good shape. hopes to have 16 done by thursday  
  - Reid - working on GraceDoc. see here, send comments http://www.cs.pomona.edu/~kim/GraceStuff/GRACEDOCS/
  - Kelvin working on web editor doing stuff with files. add whole folder etc.
  - Kim will be here next week, then going to Prague 

* James & Michael are not going to Prague
  - Tim is going to Prague 
  - Tom is working on benchmarks (Grace goes very slow) and will then do stuff on the website
  - Satu is here!! and is working on a DSL framework for accounting systems in Grace

* talked about (multiple) inheritance based on the proposal sent around:
  - revised proposal sent last week: https://mailhost.cecs.pdx.edu/pipermail/grace-core/2015-June/001940.html
  - earlier discussion: https://mailhost.cecs.pdx.edu/pipermail/grace-core/2015-March/001858.
  what is the use-case we most want to support?
  - composing dialects?
    - all but one parent is stateless
    - all parents non-overlapping
    - local code can override parents
  - NOT post-hoc modification / unanticipated reuse?

* what are the BIGGEST design alternative?  
   - declarative / static class rather than current “encoding” rationale?
   - trait algebra vs incorporation of non-overlapping parents plus local overriding?

Michael reminded us of his table - http://homepages.ecs.vuw.ac.nz/~mwh/inheritance/

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