[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 25-26.11.2015

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Nov 25 16:18:57 PST 2015

* next meeting 4pm tue dec 1 US / 1pm+ wed dec 2 NZ
  - mostly to discuss ECOOP paper

* future meetings: 
  * week beginning 7, J going to London
  * week beginning 14, J ESOP PC FRA
  * week beginning 21st NZ holidays til 5 Jan 
  * week beginning 25th Jan - PLDGWG2.3 near Kim’s place.
	 (I think Kim can only meet earlier, and James probably only later, IF at all) 

* talked about Wang & Oliveira's expression problem short paper

* WGLD meeting 25-29 UCLA. Can anyone go?
 - james may go for the second half. but then what?

* Reece patterson tasks
 - Kernan IDE? 

* Continuation lines? 
 - needs to be clear what the Right Thing is?
 - check that does Kernan do the Right Thing?
 - Andrew to send tests. 

* Kim: are we moving to Kernan?
  - ideally! 

- milestones (from last time)
  * alpha release - this year? (depending on what else Michael is working on :-)
  * end Jan - spec at least enough for a proposal for a workshop for ECOOP to go over spec
  * March: software & materials “ready to teach”  (why does that already feel optimistic?)
  - what do we need? 
    - Andrew starts 28 March;   
       - debugger, unit tests, collections… hash tables… 
    - Kim starts Sept 1st; 
       - IDE
       - objectdraw (at least) 
  * how to get there from here! 

- talked about Tim’s formalism of the inheritance design

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